Contact Information
Dr. Kelly Moore is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business.
Dr. Moore's research examines individual differences, specifically the Big Five personality characteristics, in different contexts. In her research stream, she has frequently utilized an eye tracking methodology in exploration of marketing and management issues as well.
Dr. Moore is also very interested in the field of sports marketing. She has previously worked in a marketing capacity with the Houston Astros Baseball Club and the University of Iowa Sports Marketing department.
- Ph.D., Marketing, Iowa State University
- M.B.A., Executive Development, Drake University
- B.B.A., Finance, Emphasis in Accounting, University of Iowa
- B.A., Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Iowa
Profile Information
- Rangos Prize Recipient, Duquesne University, 2021
- Duquesne Presidential Scholarship Award, Duquesne University, 2020
Articles in Journals
Geiger, M., & Moore, K. (2022). Attracting the crowd in online fundraising: A meta-analysis connecting campaign characteristics to funding outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 128, 107061.
Moore, K., Walker, D., & Laczniak, R. (2022). Attention mediates restrained eaters’ food consumption intentions. Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104382.
Moore, K., & Craciun, G. (2021). Fear of missing out and personality as predictors of social networking sites usage: The Instagram case. Psychological Reports, 124(4), 1761-1787.
Craciun, G., & Moore, K. (2019). Credibility of negative online product reviews: Reviewer gender, reputation and emotion effects. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 104-115.
Moore, K., & Walker, D. (2019). Conditional effects of touch on purchase behavior. Services Marketing Quarterly, 40(2), 107-122.
Lang, M., Kelley, J., & Moore, K. (2016). Simulated attention-tracking methodologies: an examination of measurement efficacy. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 22(8), 872-890.
McElroy, J. C., Summers, J. K., & Moore, K. (2014). The effect of facial piercing on perceptions of job applicants. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 125(1), 26-38.
Moore, K., and McElroy, J. C. (2012). The influence of personality on Facebook usage, wall postings, and regret. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 267-274.