Duquesne University Mission Statement

Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit is a Catholic university founded by members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, the Spiritans, and sustained through a partnership of laity and religious.

Duquesne serves God by serving students through:

  • Commitment to excellence in liberal and professional education
  • Profound concern for moral and spiritual values
  • Maintaining an ecumenical atmosphere open to diversity
  • Service to the Church, the community, the nation, and the world

Spiritan Pedagogy at Duquesne

Spiritan Pedagogy is teaching in a way that purposefully reflects the values and ethos of the Spiritan mission of Duquesne University. While Spiritan Pedagogy is not a set of prescribed teaching practices, it is a way of teaching that purposefully chooses educational strategies to reflect the Spiritan charism. 

In "The Heartbeat of Spiritan Education in the US," Jeff Duaime, C.S.Sp., lists seven marks of education in the Spiritan tradition.  These marks illustrate some of the concerns that can make your teaching reflective of the Spiritan charism. 

  • Openness to the Spirit 
  • Global Vision
  • A Sense of Community
  • Concern for the Poor
  • Commitment to Service
  • High Academic Standards
  • Academic Freedom

Campus resources to learn more about the Spiritans

The Division of Mission and Identity promotes the integration of the University mission into all aspects of campus life.

The Center for Spiritan Studies fosters research on Spiritan history, tradition and spirituality and publishes Spiritan Horizons, which regularly features articles on education.

The Gumberg Library offers The Spiritans: A Research Guide for researching Spiritan resources and a Digital Collection of Spiritan Writings.

Headshot of alumnus John Foster

Fr. John Sawicki had a particular influence on me by emphasizing the importance of servant leadership and using one’s talents for the betterment of their community. These experiences were pivotal in shaping my ability to lead with empathy and resilience.

John Foster, A'16 Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Department of State