Contact Information
M.Div., Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1972
B.A., Psychology, Rhodes College, 1969
Profile Information
Recent Scholarship
Journal Articles (2012 - Present)
"God Is a Circle Whose Center Is Everywhere: Kenneth Burke & Charles Williams, Langauge & Love." Listening: Journal of Communication Ethics, Religion, and Culture 50.3 (2015) 199 - 207.
"Unforgetting a Tradition: Kenneth Burke, Karl Marx, and Aristotelian Naturalism." Russian Journal of Communication 7.1 (January 2015) 116-124.
"The Meaning of the Motivorum's Motto: Ad bellum purificandum to Tendebantque manus ripae ulterioris amore." KB Journal (Kenneth Burke Society Journal), Fall 2012.
Book Chapters (2012 - Present)
"The Meaning of the Motivorum's Motto: Ad bellum purificandum to Tendebantque manus
ripae ulterioris amore." Best of the Independent Journals in Rhetoric and Composition
2012. Edited by Julia Voss, Beverly Moss, Steve Parks, Brian Bailie, Heather Christiansen,
and Stephanie Ceraso. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2014. (Word Count approximately
Kenneth Burke Society Distinguished Service Award, 2017.
Editorial Boards
Editorial Board, KB Journal (Kenneth Burke Society Journal), 2006-17
Offices Held
Kenneth Burke Society (one of three Founders)
Duquesne University, Assessment Committee (2014-17)
Duquesne University, Search Committee, Co-Chair (1994-2015-every search)
Duquesne University, Library Acquisition (1989-91, 1997, 2005-07, 2010-15)
Duquesne University, Program Assessment Committee (2009-10, 2010-11)
Duquesne University, Ph.D. Comprehensives Committee (2004-06, 2008-15)