Contact Information


PharmD, University of Pittsburgh, 1997
B.S., R.Ph., University of Pittsburgh, 1993


Dr. Maher received both his bachelor's degree and PharmD from the University of Pittsburgh ('93 and '97). Dr. Maher's completed a Geriatric specialized residency at Duke University's Center for the Study of Aging and the Durham Veteran's Affairs Geriatric Research Education Center. Dr. Maher's areas of clinical expertise are in geriatric pharmacotherapy, advanced pharmcy services in community pharmacy, and community pharmacy management and pharmacy ownership.

Profile Information

  1. Pharmacy Practice VI: Innovative Pharmacy Services and Strategies for Health Outcomes
  2. PHBA 411 Pharmacy Management Concepts
  3. PHBA 413 Management Theory and Applications
  4. PHBA 431 Entrepreneurship in Pharmacy (elective)
  5. PHBA 433 Special Topics in Entrepreneur (Pharmacy Business Competition
  6. Klingensmith's Drug Store Advanced Community Pharmacy Ambulatory and Pharmacy Management Experiential rotation sites
  1. Karp, J. F., Kincman, J., Lightfoot, M., Foust, J., Maher, R., & Gebara, M. A.. "A Systematic Review of Community Pharmacy Initiatives to Improve Treatment of Depression and Pain: Focus on Types of Programs and Patient-Reported Out-comes." Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (2021).
  2. Maher, Robert L., Joseph Hanlon, and Emily R. Hajjar. "Clinical consequences of polypharmacy in elderly." Expert opinion on drug safety 13.1 (2014): 57-65.
  3. Maher R, Hajjar E. Medication Errors in the Ambulatory Elderly. Aging Health. 2012 8(2):127135.
  4. Thorpe CT, Lassilla HC, O'neil C, Thorpe JM, Hanlon JT, Maher R. Reconsidera-tion of Key Articles Regarding Medication Related Problems in Older Adults from 2011. AJGP. 2012;10(1):2-13.
  5. Kotlyar M, Gray SL, Maher R, Hanlon JT. Chapter 46. Manifestations of Medica-tions in the Elderly. I: Agronin ME, Maletta GJ. Second Edition. Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry. Philadelphia: Lippnicott Williams & Wil-kins;2011.
  6. Maher R. Introduction to Specialty Pharmacy. Pharmacy First Reading Course C.E. Publication. June 2009.
  7. Hanlon JT, Handler S, Maher R, Schmader KE. Geriatric Pharmacotherapy and Polypharmacy. In: Fillit H, Rockwood K, Woodhouse K. (Editors), Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine. 7th Ed. London, UK: Churchill Livingstone 2008
  8. Rossi MI. Young A. Maher R. Rodriguez KL. Appelt CJ. Perera S. Hajjar ER. Hanlon JT. Polypharmacy and health beliefs in older outpatients. American JournalGeriatric Pharmacotherapy. 5(4):317-23, 2007 Dec.
  9. Aspinall S. Sevick MA. Donohue J. Maher R. Hanlon JT. Medication errors in older adults: a review of recent publications. American Journal Geriatric
  10. Pharmacotherapy. 5(1):75-84, 2007 Mar.
  11. Maher R A Pharmacist Approach to Wellness Maintenance in the Community Elderly Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2004 17: 133-136.
  12. Maher R The Pharmacological Approach of Behavioral Disturbances in Demen-tia Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2004 17: 129-132
  13. Keys PA, O'Neil C, Maher R. Geriatric Concentration: A New Elective Sequence in an Entry- Level Doctor of Pharmacy Program. Am J Pharm Educ. 2004; 68(1):article 7.
  14. Maher R "Dermatophytosis" for the 5th Edition Pharmacotherapy Casebook 2004, editor Terry L. Schwinghammer, Pharm.D., FASHP, FCCP, BCPS
  15. Hanlon JT, Lindblad CI, Maher R, Schmader KE. Geriatric Pharmacotherapy . In: Tallis R, Fillit H, (Eds.), Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine. 6th Edi-tion. London, UK: Churchill Livingstone 2002
  16. Bowles SK, Maher R, Spelman K. Pharmacology and Medication Toxicity Emergencies. In: Snyder DR, Christmas C, (Eds.), Geriatric Education for Emer-gency Medical Services. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers' 2003
  17. Aspinall MB, Whittle J, Aspinall SL, Maher RL, Good CB. Improving adverse- drugreaction reporting in ambulatory care clinics at a Veterans Affairs Hospital. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2002;59:841-5.
  18. Hanlon J, Maher R, Lindblad C, Ruby C, Cohen HJ, Schmader K. Comparison of Methods to Detect Potential Adverse Drug Events in Frail Elderly Inpatients and Outpatients. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2001; 58:1622-6.
  19. Poirer T, Maher RL "Adverse Drug Reactions" in the 2nd Edition of the Ency-clopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology. 2000
  20. Maher RL. " A Case Study in Geriatric Pharmacy Care" U.S. Pharmacist March 2001
  21. Maher, RL. Withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing medications in elderly patients. Durham Veterans Affairs Pharmacy Newsletter, 1998.
  22. Maher,RL. Drug therapy for agitation and aggression in Dementia. Veterans Administration Medical Center-Oakland,Pittsburgh Pharmacy Newsletter, 1998
  1. 2013 Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association Upsher-Smith Excellence in Innova-tion Award
  2. 2010 Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association Preceptor of the Year Award
  3. 2002 Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association Distinguished Young Pharmacist of the Year Award
  4. 2000 Duquesne University School of Pharmacy Dean Merit Award
  5. 1996 Rho Chi Honor Society
  6. 1993 Pfizer Pharmaceutical Community Pharmacy Internship Award

National Community Pharmacists Association
Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association
Chair of CPESN Quality and Performance Committee
American Association Colleges of Pharmacy
American Pharmacy Association