About the PDSAC

The mission of the Palumbo-Donahue Student Advisory Council (PDSAC) is to provide student feedback to the Dean's office. As an advisory body to the Dean’s Office, the purpose of the PDSAC is to offer suggestions and ideas about:

  • Building a stronger student community within the School of Business.
  • The quality and value of specific education programs and student activities in the School.
  • Enhancing relationships with major constituency groups, especially alumni, businesses and other advisory councils.
  • Strengthening student engagement with alumni to advance the School.
  • Improving career preparation and placement efforts and activities.
  • Special projects or initiatives being contemplated by the School.

The Student Executive Committee (SEC) represents all official student organizations in the School. SEC members automatically become PDSAC members. PDSAC officers are elected to their positions.

2024-2025 PDSAC Officers

Tyler Schultz

Tyler Schultz


Connor Dempsey

Connor Dempsey

Vice President

Sarah Martin

Sarah Martin


Marissa Panzetta

Marissa Panzetta

Communications Chair

Student Organizations

The School of Business is home to 19 student organizations, many of which are open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Joining these organizations is a fantastic way to build your resume, make friends, and establish valuable professional connections.

  • Hosts the Marketing Mixer in collaboration with the Sports Marketing Association and the Duquesne University Sales Team
International, not-for-profit, professional association dedicated to promoting the study and utilization of information systems through professional development, social networking, and community development programs. Meetings are typically held once a month unless there is a guest speaker.
  • Hosts Information Systems (IS) Direct, an annual networking event in the fall semester
  • Hosted notable guest speakers from Ernst & Young (EY) and KPMG to discuss the rise of IST/Artificial Intelligence in the industry

Follow @aisduquesne

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link
National scholastic and professional accounting honors society that encourages and recognizes scholastic and professional excellence in accounting. Meets biweekly during the academic year. 
  • Hosts Accounting Connect, a speed networking event, jointly with the Student Accounting Association during the fall semester 
  • Students meet with firms that offer accounting-related careers, including the Big 4, national, and regional accounting firms; consulting firms; and companies with accounting departments

Follow @duq.bap.saa

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Organization for economic students led by faculty and aimed at stimulating student interest in all aspects of economics. The group competes in economic-related projects and invites Economics alumni to speak about career opportunities in the field. Meetings are normally infrequent; however, the group will meet frequently during periods of active projects. 

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Student-run multimedia platform focused on sharing current consumer and retail tips and trends. The organization offers students the opportunity to contribute to various areas based on their interests. Students can participate in one of six specialized teams: Trends Bloggers, Social Media Team, Analytics Team, Web Development Team, Video Production Team, or Pittsburgh Partnership Team. 

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Co-ed Professional Business Fraternity that encourages scholarship, social activity, and a closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and furthers a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and civic and commercial welfare.

Follow @duq_dsp

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Organization that empowers graduate business students to thrive and make a lasting impact in their careers. DBS works closely with students, faculty, and alumni to enhance the student experience, strengthen networking and career placement, and build leadership through partnerships with local charities. The organization includes delegates from each graduate program to ensure broad representation and involvement. Monthly board meetings via Zoom.

  • Hosts speaker events that provide opportunities for networking and learning
  • Hosts happy hour events
Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Provides experiences for the intellectual, professional, and social enrichment of students interested in financial markets and investments, in partnership with the Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) Program.

  • Hands-on learning about investments and financial markets
  • Learn to research and analyze investment decisions
  • Present to the Investment Strategy Advisory Council
  • Network with investment and finance professionals

Follow @duqassetmanagement

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Organization that provides a platform to engage in the world of business and innovation through community events. Affiliated with the Center for Excellence in Entrepreneurship.

  • Guest speakers
  • Networking and skill-building events
  • Cross-disciplinary pitch competition

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Organization for Supply Chain Management interests and majors that provides networking and career opportunities for members and corporate partners. Affiliated with the Center for Excellence in Supply Chain Management. Meetings are typically once a month.

  • Fall Semester: Networking connection event with corporate partners
  • Spring Semester: Corporation tours and lunches

Follow @duquesne_scc

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Competes in local, regional, and national sales competitions. Open to students of any major with an interest in sales or honing communication skills. Affiliated with the Center for Leadership in Professional Selling.

  • Hosts Marketing Mixer in collaboration with the American Marketing Association and the Sports Marketing Association

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

International organization that provides members with career guidance, learning, and networking opportunities in finance. Duquesne's Financial Management Association chapter received the "Superior Chapter" designation in 2024 which is the highest honor for a Financial Management Association student chapter or honor society.

  • Travels to the Financial Management Association International Financial Leaders Conference in NYC
  • Competes in the Investment Analysis Competition

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

National organization that bridges business and education through innovative leadership and career development programs. General meetings occur irregularly throughout the semester. 
  • Participates in the annual Pennsylvania FBLA State Leadership Conference, which occurs every April. This collegiate, professional networking event provides an opportunity to compete in various events, win awards, and present the possibility to move forward to the FBLA National Leadership Conference.
  • Notable events include guest speakers, professional dress know-how events, team-building exercises, and strength assessments.

Follow @duq_fbla

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Co-ed Professional Business and Economics Fraternity that develops and practices professional leadership skills, instills values for a rapidly changing world, and enables members to develop the business astuteness necessary to achieve success.

Current Students: Find out more on
Campus Link

A co-ed Sales, Marketing, and Management Fraternity that addresses career readiness and advancement through community, education, workshops, and competitions. The organization provides a welcoming environment for students to grow professionally, work together, and hear from alumni. Meet weekly during the semester.

  • Organizes fundraiser and charity events including Pie-a-Brother and Bingo
  • Hosts guest speakers
  • Hosts formals for members
Follow @Duquesne_pse

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Organization for students interested in law or law-related professions. Provides support with LSAT prep, networking, law school applications, and hosts speakers. Meets once or twice a month. 

Follow @duqprelawsociety

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

National organization that connects students to the professional world of sports through stadium tours, meetings with sports team professionals, resume and networking workshops, and volunteer/internship opportunities. Meetings are typically monthly or as needed. 

  • Travels annually to the Sports Marketing Association Conference
  • Travels to events in Washington D.C. and Columbus for arena visits/ tours, meetings and panels with industry executives and professional alumni
  • Hosts meetings with large professional executives along with local professionals from the Penguins, Steelers, and Pirates
  • Hosts the Marketing Mixer in collaboration with the American Marketing Association and the Duquesne Sales Team
Follow @duquesne_sma

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link
Organization for accounting students to network with peers and accounting professionals. Meets biweekly during the academic year. 
  • Hosts Accounting Connect, a speed networking event, jointly with the Student Accounting Association during the fall semester 
  • Students meet with firms that offer accounting-related careers, including the Big 4, national, and regional accounting firms; consulting firms; and companies with accounting departments

Follow @duq.bap.saa

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link

Supports the professional growth of women in the business school through peer and professor mentors, speakers, and events. Meetings at least twice a month. 

  • Annual Holiday Events: Galentine's Day and Christmas Social
  • Bouquet Making: one or two events annually where members make flower bouquets and provide feedback on the club
  • Professional presentations from various businesses describing their lives as women in the business field
  • Professional development activities

Follow @duqwib

Current Students: Find out more on Campus Link