Requirements for Pharm.D. Traditional Program

Admission Requirements from High School

Preparing for a career in pharmacy during high school means taking a well-rounded series of classes with an emphasis on science, math, and communication. High performance in these courses is important, as grade point average is an important consideration for admission into the program. While the SAT and/or ACT are optional, completing the SAT and/or ACT is still encouraged. A high level of achievement on these exams may enhance your qualifications for admission into the program. Qualified high school students are admitted into the pre-professional phase of the Pharm.D. program of study.

Prerequisities for Professional Phase

Accepted applicants will be required to have a background check conducted by Castlebranch prior to matriculating to the School of Pharmacy. Students may view our Criminal Background Policy on the School of Pharmacy website, or by requesting one from the School of Pharmacy.

209 Credits

Pre-Professional Phase (Years 1 & 2)

Course Number Course Title Credits
BIOL 111 Biology I W/ Lab 4
BIOL 203 / 204 Intro Microbiology W/ Lab 4
BIOL 207 / 209 Anatomy & Physiology 6
CHEM 121 / 122 General Chemistry I & II W/ Lab & Recitation 10
CHEM 211 / 212 Organic Chemistry I & II W/ Lab 8
MATH 115 Calculus I 4
BRDG 101 Writing & Analysis 3
BRDG 102 Writing & Literature 3
THEO Theology-Based Course 3
BRDG 105 Intro To Ethical Reasoning 3
  Essential Questions Seminar 3
  Communication: Creative Expression 3
  Business/Critical Thinking 3
  Cultural Fluency & Responsiveness 3
PHIL Philosophy-Based Course 3
BRDG 103 IPE Health Research Statistics 1
MATH 225 Introduction to Biostatistics 3
SOCI 1010
Social and Historical Reasoning 3
PHAR 101 Pre-Professional Seminar (101) 0
PHAR 102 Pre-Professional Seminar (102) 0
PHAR 103 Pre-Professional Seminar (103) 0
PHAR 104 Pre-Professional Seminar (104) 0
  Pre-Professional Phase Total 67

Professional Pharmacy Curriculum##

PY1 Fall

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHPR 300 Pharmaceutical Calculations 1
PHBM 350 Biochemistry I – Peptides and Carbohydrate Metabolism 3
PHBM 355 &
Human Physiology and Pathology I/Recitation 4/0
PHCE 360/360R Pharmaceutical Principles and Drug Delivery Systems I/Recitation 3/0
PHBA 340W Pharmaceutical Law and Ethics 2
PHPR 341W Pharmacy Practice I: Patient Care Skills I 2
PHBA 310 The American Health Care System 2
PHIN 321 Ability-Based Laboratory Experience (ABLE) I 0.5
PHEX 301 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) I 0.5
PHAR 300 Doctor of Pharmacy Orientation Program 0
  PY1 Fall Total 18

PY1 Spring

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHPR 301 Sterile/Non-Sterile Compounding 1
PHBM 351 Biochemistry II – Metabolism, Protein Synthesis and Nucleic Acids 3
PHBM 356 Human Physiology and Pathology II 4
PHCE 361/361R Pharmaceutical Principles and Drug Delivery Systems II/Recitation 3/0
PHBM 352 Foundations in Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry 3
PHPR 342W Pharmacy Practice II: Patient Care Skills II 1
PHBA 311 Public Health and Epidemiology 2
PHIN 322 ABLE II 0.5
PHEX 302 CPD II 0.5
  PY1 Spring Total 18

PY1 Summer

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHEX 372 Intro Experiential Education I 0.5
  PY1 Summer Total 0.5
  PY1 Total 36.5

PY2 Fall

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHBM 432 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Cardiology 5
PHBM 418 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Infectious Disease I 3
PHBM 436 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Respiratory Disorders 2
PHBM 401 Therapeutic Case Studies I: A Problem-Based Learning Approach 0
PHCE 430 Biopharmaceutics 3
PHPR 448 Pharmacy Practice IV: Drug Literature Evaluations 2
PHPR 444 Pharmacy Practice III: Self-Care in Pharmacy Practice 2
PHEX 403 CPD III 0.5
  PY2 Fall Total 18

PY2 Spring

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHBM 431 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Psychiatry and Neurology 4
PHBM 419 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Infectious Disease II 3
PHBM 435 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Pain, Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Dosorders 2
PHBM 437 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Endocrine Disorders 3
PHBM 402 Therapeutic Case Studies II: A Problem-Based Learning Approach 0
PHCE 431 Pharmacokinetics 3
PHPR 498 Pharmaceutical Science and Practice of Immunization 1
PHPR 499 Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training and Certificate Program 1
PHIN 424 ABLE IV 0.5
PHEX 404 CPD IV 0.5
  PY2 Spring Total 18

PY2 Summer

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHEX 468 Intro Experiential Education II 0.5
  PY2 Summer Total 0.5
  PY2 Total 36.5

PY3 Fall

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHPR 443 Pharmacy Practive V: Physical and Clinical Assessment 3
PHPR 442 Pharmacy Practice VI: The Development, Implementation, Management and Evaluation of Pharmacy Services in Current and Future Pharmacy Model 3
PHBA 411 Pharmacy Management Concepts 2
PHBM 441 Biomedical Sciences and Therapeutics: Principles of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation 3
PHBM 442 Biomedical Sciences & Therapeutics: Gastroenterology  3
PHBM 403 Therapeutic Case Studies III: A Problem-Based Learning Approach 0
PHIN 469 Community Engaged Learning: Health Promotion/Disease Prevention & Management NS OR 1
PHIN 425 ABLE V 0.5
PHEXT 405 CPD V 0.5
Elective(s)   3
  PY3 Fall Total 18 OR 19

PY3 Spring

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHBA 413W Management Theory and Application 1
PHBA 412W Advanced Law and Ethics Applications 1
PHBM 443 Biomedical Sciences & Therapeutics: Therapeutics in Special Populations 4
PHBM 444 Biomedical Sciences & Therapeutics: Therapeutics in the Critically Ill 3
PHIN 490 Personalized Therapeutics: Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmaceutics 2
PHBM 404 Therapeutic Case Studies IV: A Problem-Based Learning Approach 0
PHIN 469 Community Engaged Learning: Health Promotion/Disease Prevention & Management NS OR 1
PHIN 426 ABLE VI 0.5
PHEX 406 CPD VI 0.5
Elective(s)   6
  PY3 Spring Total 18 OR 19
  PY3 Total 36

PY4 Summer

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHPR 500 Pharmacist-Patient Care Network Certificate 1
PHPR 50X Required Certificate Training** - Select One (1) Option: 1
  PHPR 502 - Pharmacy & Patient-Centered Diabetes Care  
  PHPR 503 - Medication Therapy Management  
  PHPR 508 - Substance Use Disorder  
  PHPR 509 - Healthcare Leadership  
PHEX 482W, 483W Option to Take Advanced Experiential Education (I, II) 4-8
  PY4 Summer Total 6-10

PY4 Fall

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHEX 482W, 483W,
484W, 485W, 486W,
487W, 488W
Advanced Experiential Education (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII) 8-16
PHEX 407 Continuous Professional Development VII 1
  PY4 Fall Total 9-17

PY4 Spring

Course Number Course Title Credits
PHEX 482W, 483W,
484W, 485W, 486W,
487W, 488W
Advanced Experiential Education (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII) 8-16
PHEX 408 Continuous Professional Development VIII 1
  PY4 Spring Total 9-17
  PY4 Total 32

*Students are required to take seven Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. These are: PHEX 482-488 - Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) - 4 credits each for a total of 28 credits. These may begin in the Summer Term following the PYIII year. There are a variety of ways in which APPE's may be scheduled. Students should be aware that they must carry at least 4.5 credits in order to be considered a part-time graduate student in the PYIV year and be eligible for financial aid.

**Not all certificate training may be scheduled each year.

#PY3 students may take certificate courses provided that they have successfully completed the prerequisites listed for the individual courses.

##The professional program is currently rolling out a credit neutral curricular revision that may result in minor course changes.