Exam Schedules

Spring 2024 Final Exam Schedule- dates, times and room assignments

Tentative Fall 2024 Exam Dates

General Policies and Procedures for Examinations

Laptop Exam Testing Emergency Policy

Procedures for Students Receiving Exam Accommodations

Find Your Exam ID

  1. Log into DORI
  2. Click the My Sites drop down menu at the top right of your screen and select your student role
  3. Click the Academics tab
  4. Browse to the School of Law Resources channel (scroll down to lower left)
  5. Select your Term and Exam and your unique exam number will be displayed.

Save this number to your cell phone or laptop for easy reference.

Make-Up Exam Requests

Examination schedules will not be altered except for reasons stated in the Exam Conflicts Policy.  Those students with a conflict must complete the Examination Time Conflict Request Form and return it to the School of Law Registrar's Office.  The School of Law Registrar's Office will then contact the student when the decision has been made about which exam will be moved to a make-up day.  All make-up exams will be administered on one of the make-up days listed on the final exam schedule.  Requests for reasons other than those listed in the policy must be submitted in a formal petition to the Academic Status Committee.  Make-up exam requests will not be granted based on employment-related conflicts or personal commitments such as weddings and vacations. 

Exam Conflicts Policy

Examination Time Conflict Request Form

Review of Graded Exams

Any student wishing to review a graded examination must complete an Exam Review Request form and return it to the Duquesne Kline School of Law Main Office.  Graded exams may only be viewed in the Main Office of the Law School or with the professor who administered the exam.  Copies of any graded exam may not be made.  It takes 24 to 48 hours to complete the request to review a graded exam.  Students must know their anonymous exam number for that specific semester in order to review their exams.

Exam Review Request Form