The following required schedule of course offerings is designed to assure that every student will have an opportunity to register for all bar examination courses without experiencing any course or examination conflicts. Aside from summer sessions, the required courses must be taken in the mandatory sequence. In extraordinary circumstances, students may petition the Academic Status Committee (c/o the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs) for relief from this requirement. Please note that first year students cannot alter their class registration in any way.
Required course sequence for first year students. Required course sequence for second year students. Please note: Students are required to register for the same professor and section
for Constitutional Law I and II. Please note: Students are required to register for the same professor and section
for Constitutional Law I and II and Property I and II. Required course sequence for third year students. Required for Third Year Day Students Bar-Tested Courses Not Required but Recommended Please note: Students are required to register for the same professor and section
of Core/Applied Competencies I and II. Required course sequence for fourth year students. Please note: Students must register for the same professor and section for Core/Applied
Competencies I and II.First Year
Second Year
Bar-Tested Courses Not Required but Recommended
Bar-Tested Courses Not Required but Recommended
Third Year
Strongly Recommended
Fourth Year
Strongly Recommended