The following regulations apply to all examinations. Violations of these regulations are considered infractions of the Disciplinary Code.

3.01.1 Examinations Administered in the Building for Courses Taught In Person
1. Examinees are not permitted to sit next to one another in any examination room but are to sit in alternate seats.

2. Examinees may only have the following items with them in the examination room during the course of any examination: laptop computers (refer to #12 below), writing pens, pencils, one copy of the examination, one copy of the examination bluebook or answer sheet, scratch paper provided by the Registrar's Office (unless not permitted by the faculty member administering the exam), and such materials as may be specifically permitted by the faculty member administering the exam. If a calculator is permitted during an exam, one with memory is not permitted.

3. Examinees, when outside of the examination room, are not permitted to make reference during the course of an examination to any electronic devices, books, notes, outlines, or any other materials.

4. Examinees are not permitted to smoke, eat, or drink any beverages in the examination room; however, bottled water is permitted. Smoking is prohibited in the School of Law and examinees are not permitted to leave the School of Law in order to smoke.

5. Examinees are not permitted to make or receive telephone calls during an examination. Watches, smartphones and all other electronic devices are not permitted on your person during examinations. All devices must be turned off and placed in your backpack, locker, purse, or in the front of the exam room. Finding a prohibited device on a student's person during an exam is grounds for receiving a grade of "F" on that examination.

6. Examinees may not remove their examinations, examination bluebooks, or answer sheets from the examination room.

7. Examinees are permitted to use the restrooms located in the Student Lounge area and on the third floor of the School of Law only. Only one person at a time is permitted to use restroom facilities. Examinees are not permitted to use any restrooms located in the Law Library.

8. Examinees are not permitted for any reason to leave the School of Law during an examination.

9. Examinees are not permitted to converse with anyone except a proctor during an examination.

10. Each examinee must physically turn in his/her examination, bluebook, or answer sheet to the assigned proctor in each examination room. An examinee may not exit the examination room until he/she has witnessed the logging-in process of his/her examination, bluebook, or answer sheet. Any examinee who fails to comply with this rule will receive a failing grade for the examination.

11. Examinees are not permitted to discuss any aspect of the examination with the faculty member who administered the exam prior to the grades being filed and posted in DORI for that examination. Students with concerns regarding the examination should contact the School of Law Registrar.

12. Examinees wishing to type their examinations by the use of laptop computers must furnish and properly maintain their own laptop computers and power cords. Students must have: (a) a laptop compatible with the latest version of the ExamSoft software; (b) the newest version of the ExamSoft software installed on their laptops; and (c) completed the ExamSoft Practice Exam by the deadline specified. Students who fail to complete the Practice Exam within the specified time period will not be permitted to take their examinations on laptops. IT support is not available during the administration of in-person exams, and any problems with a laptop during the exam may require a student to complete the exam in a bluebook. Additional regulations involving the use of laptop computers will be furnished to each examinee by the Registrar via your email account and available on Students will strictly adhere to Proctor instructions during exam periods. Students are responsible for fully reading and understanding their email and web site instructions for laptop exams to ensure the safety of their final exam files.

13. Students are not permitted to wear a hat, hoodie, or cap during any examination.

14. All book-bags must be placed in the front of the examination room near the proctors. Purses must be placed on the floor near individual seats.

15. If the exam is open book, all materials must be in clear sight of the proctors. Examinees must also run the ExamSoft Software. Examinees must only consult the materials allowed by their professors.

16. Once a student has completed an examination, he or she should proceed to the student lounge or exit the building.

3.01.2 Examinations Administered for Courses Taught Online
1. Examinees are not permitted to take the exam in the same space as another student taking the same
exam, regardless of whether the student is taking the online exam in the School of Law or in a different location.

2. Examinees are not permitted to use any materials not authorized by the faculty member administering the exam.

3. Students may be allowed to take the online exam at the School of Law. Sign-up information will be distributed prior to the exam period.

4. Students may not email, text, call, or otherwise communicate with other students during the administration of an online exam. Such authorized communication is a violation of the School of Law Disciplinary Code.

5. Examinees are not permitted to discuss any aspect of the examination with the faculty member who administered the exam prior to the grades being filed and posted in DORI for that examination. Students with concerns regarding the examination should contact the School of Law Registrar.

6. Examinees must furnish and properly maintain their own laptop computers and power cords.
Students must have: (a) a laptop compatible with the latest version of the ExamSoft software; (b)
the newest version of the ExamSoft software installed on their laptops; and (c) completed the
ExamSoft Practice Exam by the deadline specified. Students who fail to complete the Practice
Exam within the specified time period will not be permitted to take their examinations on laptops;
instead, the student will take the exam in the School of Law with a bluebook. IT support will be
available during the administration of online exams, and students who experience technical
difficulties during the administration of an online exam must call and report the technical difficultly
when it occurs. Students who fail to do so will have the exam they submitted graded and will not
receive a make-up exam. Additional regulations involving the use of laptop computers will be
furnished to each examinee prior to the exam period. Students will strictly adhere to Proctor
instructions during exam periods. Students are responsible for fully reading and understanding their
the instructions provided for laptop exams to ensure the safety of their final exam files.

3.01.3 Take-Home Examinations
1. A take-home examination is an exam that is administered during the final exam period in any
Semester but that is completed outside of the proctored setting managed by the Registrar's Office.
Take-home examinations are administered through each course's Course Management System, and
students upload the exam answers to the Course Management System.

2. In order to ensure anonymity in grading, students should put their Exam ID number on their answer
and in the file name. For exam, the file name would read: Election Law Final Exam - 2395032.
Students are not to include their name or any other identifying information on their exam answer or
anything else that the will submit.

3. Students taking a take-home exam are bound by the academic integrity pledge. They may not email, text, call, or otherwise communicate with other students during the administration of a take-home exam. Such authorized communication is a violation of the School of Law Disciplinary Code.

Examinees are not permitted to take the exam in the same space as another student taking the same
exam, regardless of whether the student is taking the online exam in the School of Law or in a different location.

4. Examinees are not permitted to use any materials not authorized by the faculty member administering the exam.

5. Examinees are not permitted to discuss any aspect of the examination with the faculty member who administered the exam prior to the grades being filed and posted in DORI for that examination. Students with concerns regarding the examination should contact the School of Law Registrar.
Additionally, if a student has any questions about the exam during the administration of the exam,
they should not reach out to the professor; instead, they should note the issue in the exam answer.
Alternatively, they may reach out to the Registrar's Office or the Associate Dean for Academic