All students must successfully complete at least six credits of experiential learning. Experiential learning credits may be a simulation course, law clinic or externship. Students may not use the same course to satisfy both the Experiential Learning requirement and the Upper Level Writing requirement. Students do not need to submit an intent or completion form for this requirement. The experiential learning credits will be earned for the courses, clinics and externships listed below after receiving a passing grade.

Please note: Moot Court and Trial Advocacy competition credits do not satisfy the experiential learning requirement because they lack a classroom instructional component.

The following simulation courses satisfy the Experiential Learning requirement:

Adv Criminal Practice and Procedure Simulation (3 credits) Judge Elliot Howsie
Advising Startups & Small Business (3 credits) Professor David Nows
AI Law and Policy (2 credits) Dean April Barton
Appellate Moot Court I Course (1 credit) Adjunct Professor Erin Karsman
Art of Mediation (2 credits) Adjunct Professor Lynn MacBeth
Commercial Use of Intellectual Property (2 credits) Adjunct Professors David Schramm and Elisabeth Healey
Contract Drafting Simulation (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Eric Gettemy
Deposition Skills (2 credits) Adjunct Professor John Goetz
E-Discovery Simulation (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Joseph Decker
Expert Evidence Simulation (3 credits) Professor Jane Moriarty
Federal Criminal Law Simulation (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Robert Kravetz or Shanicka Kennedy
In-House Counsel in Modern Corporations (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Marcy Smorey-Giger
Intro to Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Lawyer's Practicum (2 credits) Adjunct Professor Joseph Alfe
Mergers and Acquisitions (2 credits) Adjunct Professors Susan Barrett and Jeff Friedrich or Thomas Salus
Negotiation and Document Drafting in Commercial Transactions (2 credits) Adjunct Professor Alan Gordon
Negotiation Skills (2 credits) Adjunct Professor John Goetz
Patent Drafting (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Elisabeth Healey
Pennsylvania Pretrial Civil Litigation Simulation (3 credits) Associate Dean Ella Kwisnek
Pleading and Discovery Simulation (2 credits) Professor Steven Baicker-McKee
Pretrial Civil Litigation Simulation (3 credits) Professor Baicker-McKee or Professor Heppner
Trademark Practice and Litigation (2 credits) Adjunct Professor Matthew Pritchard
Trial Advocacy (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Jacqulyn Obara
Trial Advocacy I- Trial Team (3 credits) Adjunct Professor Pete Giglione

The following clinics and externships satisfy the Experiential Learning requirement:

Criminal Prosecution Program year-long, 3 credits each semester
Elder Law Program year-long, 3 credits each semester
Externship (advanced, government, high-credit,
judicial, non-profit, private sector, summer)
one semester, 1-6 credits
Family Law Clinic year-long, 3 credits each semester
Federal Litigation Clinic year-long, 2 credits each semester
PA Innocence Project year-long, 3 credits each semester
Public Defender Program year-long, 3 credits each semester
Re-Entry Legal Services Clinic year-long, 3 credits each semester
Urban Development Practicum year-long, 3 credits each semester
Veterans Clinic year-long, 3 credits each semester
Wills and Healthcare Directives Clinic one semester, 3 credits
Youth Advocacy Clinic year-long, 3 credits each semester