
This chart provides an estimated cost for full-time enrollment for the academic year. Use our Net Price Calculator for more detailed estimates.

Resident Commuter
Basic Undergraduate Tuition $48,986* $48,986*
Housing & Food  16,374** 13,324
Books & Supplies 1,440 1,080
Personal Expenses 3,031 6,062
Transportation 926 1,852
Total $70,757 $71304

*indicates billable cost

**indicates billable cost of living on campus

Net Price Calculator

Other Full-time Undergraduate Rates

(Unless otherwise noted, the full-time rates listed below are for the Fall/Spring academic year.)

Pre-Pharmacy (years 1-2) $51,478
Doctor of Pharmacy- On Campus and Online (Years 3-6) $1,914 per credit 
Health Sciences Professional Programs $56,266
Music $54,504
Non-degree, Military Programs, RN to BSN $1,182 / credit
2nd Degree Nursing (12 month track) $21,084 per semester for fall, spring and summer

All Undergraduate Tuition Rates

Graduate Tuition Rates

Tuition rates vary by program, use these links to explore tuition by school. You can also learn more about graduate financing and special tuition awards.