Nursing Grants, Publications and Fellows
Active, External Funding
Investigators | Project Title | Sponsor | Project Period |
Campbell, Grace | Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators | Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation | 07/01/22 - 06/30/25 |
Colbert, Alison | Expanding SANE Services to Victims of Sexual Assault on Campus | Department of Justice | 10/02/20 - 10/01/23 |
Kalarchian, Melissa (Co-Investigator) with Michael Gionfriddo and Jordan Covvey |
Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor (METER): Systematic Review | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | 08/1/22 – 07/31/25 |
Kronk, Rebecca (with Rita Mihailescu of the School of Science and Engineering) |
Genomic Competencies for Nurses from Theory to Application: An Online Long Course | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | 05/15/21 - 02/28/26 |
Sekula, Kathleen | Increasing the Number of SANEs via Digital Technologies | HRSA Initial award and competitive renewal |
09/30/18 - 06/30/24 |
Snyder, Torrie | BSN-AID: Supporting Success for Second Degree Students | Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) | 07/01/22 - 06/30/25 |
Turk, Melanie | Multi-Stakeholder Determinants of Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program Implementation and Participation | National Institutes of Health (NIH) | 07/01/23 - 06/30/26 |
Nursing Faculty Directory
Learn more about the Duquesne University School of Nursing faculty scholarship, fellowships and awards. Our faculty are highly distinguished with expertise in a variety of areas.
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Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (FAAFS)
In February 2023, Dr. Sekula was named a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Her work is recognized as a significant contribution to the advancement of the role of forensic nursing regarding victims and perpetrators of violence through her leadership in evidence-based graduate programs and her continuing energy to expand forensic nursing science through her research and practice trajectory. She has received two HRSA ANE-SANE grants (2018-2021 and 2021-2025) for a total of three million dollars to support programming that will increase the number of sexual assault nurse examiners throughout the United States.

Fellow of the Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (FAANA)
Dr. Neft was inducted as a Fellow in the National Academies of Practice (FNAP) in 2015, a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) in October, 2016, and as a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FAANA) in its inaugural class in 2021. He is Past-President, Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists, and has served on the Sigma Theta Tau International, Region 11 Coordinating Committee. He is past chair of the Psychiatric, Mental Health and Substance Use Expert Panel of the American Academy of Nursing; he continues to serve on that expert panel as a member. He is also a member of the American Academy of Nursing's Acute and Critical Care Expert Panel.

Fellow of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (FARN)
Dr. Campbell is a Fellow of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses and received that organization's President's Award in 2016 for contributions to the field of cancer rehabilitation. She also received the 2016 Junior Scholar Award in Population Sciences from the Hillman Cancer Institute are considered for this distinction. In 2022, Dr. Grace Campbell was awarded the "Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators" from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The grant funded project began in July 2022 and continues through July 2025.

Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (FSBM)
In 2023, Dr. Kalarchian was inducted as a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. She is a psychologist specializing in behavioral medicine. Her research interests focus on adapting evidence-based lifestyle interventions to meet the needs of vulnerable populations such as individuals undergoing bariatric surgery, obese children, patients taking antipsychotic medications, pregnant women and smokers. She collaborates with colleagues in nursing, psychiatry, public health, statistics and surgery. Dr. Kalarchian was co-investigator on a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant on "Materials to Enhance Training in Experimental Rigor (METER): Systematic Review." The grant is funded from August 2022 through August 2025 with co-investigators Michael Gionfriddo and Jordan Covvey.
Fellows of the National League of Nursing Academy for Nurse Education (ANEF)
The National League for Nursing established the Academy of Nursing Education in 2007 to foster excellence in nursing education and to recognize nurse educators who have made sustained and significant contributions to the field. Induction into the academy is a significant achievement in a nurse educator's career.
Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN)
An invitation to become a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing is a high honor and represents less than 1% of nurses. Currently more than 20% of our faculty hold this elite status. This fellowship recognizes an individual's accomplishments within the nursing profession, and it also comes with the responsibility that fellows contribute efforts to the Academy and engage with other health leaders outside the Academy to transform America's health care system.
Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (FAANP)
The FAANP is the highest professional designation for a nurse practitioner (NP). The program annually invites colleagues who have made a significant impact on the NP profession, and it is dedicated to the global advancement of NPs and their delivery of high-quality health care.
Transcultural Nursing Scholars (FTNSS)
The TCN Scholars is established to promote the advancement of a body of knowledge, initiate and disseminate research, teaching and learning, and the clinical applications of both transcultural nursing and healthcare globally. Members are recognized as individuals who have demonstrated and documented exemplary leadership by advancing transcultural nursing and health care research, education, practice and/or administration within regional, national or global contexts.
Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice (FNAP)
The Forum of Nurses in Advanced Practice (FNAP) is an organization of New Jersey Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) that operates within the formal structure of the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA). Its mission is to nurture, enhance and promote the role of Advanced Practice Nurses. It allows for the opportunity for regionally organized FNAP chapters throughout the state that collaborate within these guidelines to insure that APNs have the opportunity to practice professional nursing to the full magnitude of their educational preparation, knowledge, skills and experience.